Unlike normal toothache that causes localised pain, wisdom tooth pain can make your whole head feel sore.
Many toothache remedies won't help wisdom tooth pain, especially if the wisdom tooth hasn't come out of the gum or is only partially erupted.
Things that can make wisdom teeth worse:
Many toothache remedies won't help wisdom tooth pain, especially if the wisdom tooth hasn't come out of the gum or is only partially erupted.
Things that can make wisdom teeth worse:
Hot or cold packs against the jaw can increase the pain caused by wisdom teeth.
Wisdom tooth pain relief:
- Numbing gel (available from the chemist) rubbed on the gum.
- Gently massaging the gum and if possible, pushing the tooth gently in a direction that hurts less.
- Chew garlic or onion.
- Use wheat grass as a mouth wash.