Many people make the mistake of thinking they have a normal toothache when in fact they have a different problem - an impacted wisdom tooth. The two can appear similar but it's important you find out which one you have. Some remedies for tooth ache can actually make a wisdom tooth pain worse.

Tooth ache:
  • Is usually sharp.
  • Is usually localised to a single tooth.
  • Causes pain in the jaw and sometimes neck.
Wisdom tooth pain:

  • Causes a dull, deep ache.
  • Can cause headaches.
  • Can cause pain that feels like an ear ache.
  • Can make the jaw hurt.
  • Symptoms that resemble a cold or flu.

There are exceptions to the rule of course - things such as tooth abscesses can be sometimes mistaken for wisdom tooth pain. 

It's possible to have tooth ache caused  by erupting wisdom teeth, as the wisdom teeth push against the other teeth. It can be quite painful to experience both toothache and wisdom tooth pain at the same time.